Archive for January, 2015

Sports Jerseys Design Tips

January 24, 2015

Sports jerseys are a fashion staple that can make a statement, showcase art or support a cause. Designing a Sports jersey is not simply slapping a concept down on fabric; it takes many considerations with regard to readability, relevance and fit. If you aspire to Sports jersey design, learning what concepts to consider can make your dreams a success.
What’s Your Statement?

Before laying out your design, decide what statement you want your shirt to make. It doesn’t have to be vast or complicated; it can be something as simple as a piece of your artwork you want to showcase to an idea or funny joke. Does your design require wording, such as a quote somewhere on the jersey, or will it speak for itself? From here you can make other decisions once you have the basic concept.
Start Sketching

Draw up your design in black and white, keeping a few concepts in mind. Your design needs to be clear enough to read on a shirt, but also small enough to print onto a shirt, so avoid sprawling landscapes or thin lines of detail. If your design is letter-based, select your font. You can use a variety from straight-lined serif fonts, which are easily readable, all the way to designing your own. Use black and white for the initial design, as color is a whole other concept to consider later on.

Selecting Colors

Color with regard to Sports jersey design can be fun and limiting all at once. You want colors to complement each other and draw out every aspect of the design, but you also don’t want them to obstruct the readability of it. If your design is simple, keep color selection simple, as well, limiting to a few colors or even just one. If your design is more detailed, use colors to bring out the details. Use bold, bright colors for the thicker lines and larger areas of the design, and more subdued complementary colors for any shading or smaller background details.

Ask For Opinions

Utilize outside help to create the final draft of your design. Unlike art you make for your own personal enjoyment, Sports jerseys are meant to travel and be seen by a variety of people. Ask friends, family or coworkers to take a look at your design to see how it is perceived. Is it perceived in the way you intended or perhaps even a different way you hadn’t considered? Is it readable? Take the feedback you receive and make your final draft with any adjustments needed.
Ask For Opinions

Utilize outside help to create the final draft of your design. Unlike art you make for your own personal enjoyment, Sports jerseys are meant to travel and be seen by a variety of people. Ask friends, family or coworkers to take a look at your design to see how it is perceived. Is it perceived in the way you intended or perhaps even a different way you hadn’t considered? Is it readable? Take the feedback you receive and make your final draft with any adjustments needed.